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In celebration of its 25th anniversary, CeNDEF is organising the CeNDEF@25 workshop on 19 and 20 October at De Burcht in Amsterdam. During this workshop, current and former CeNDEF members, along with several guests, will present their recent work.
Event details of CeNDEF@25
Start date
19 October 2023
End date
20 October 2023
De Burcht

The sessions in the workshop are plenary and open to everyone. Due to limited space, interested individuals are kindly requested to inquire in advance via email whether they can participate in (part of) the workshop.

Wednesday 18 October

(Building E, Roeterseilandcampus, Roetersstraat 11, Amsterdam)


  • Welcome Reception

Thursday 19 October

(De Burcht, Henri Polaklaan 9, Amsterdam)


  • Luba Petersen:“Macroeconomic Literacy and Expectations” (9:00-9:50);
  • Johan de Jong: “Bank Choice, Bank Runs, and Coordination in the Presence of Two Banks” (9:50-10:15);
  • Pietro Dindo: “Learning Models from Prices”  (10:15-10:40).


  • Coffee/Tea Break


  • Frank Westerhoff: “On Boom-Bust Stock Market Dynamics, Animal Spirits and the Destabilizing Nature of Temporarily Attracting Virtual Fixed Points” (11:10-12:00);
  • Paolo Zeppini: “Costly Information and Noise Trading” (12:00-12:25);
  • Valentyn Panchenko: “Bayesian Estimation of Individual Prediction Heuristics and Switching Behaviour in Learning-to-Forecast Experiments” (12:25-12:50).


  • Lunch


  • Martina Maglicic: “The Impact of Extreme Weather on Climate Belief Polarization.” (13:50-14:15);
  • Marcin Wolski: “External Finance and Corporate Emissions: Distributional Perspective” (14:15–14:40);
  • Pim Heijnen: “Informative Advertising and Consumer Search in Markets for New Products” (14:40–15:05);
  • Tomasz Makarewicz: “Trend and Buybacks. Model of Behavioral Price Expectations with Endogenous Firm Productivity” (15:05–15:30).


  • Coffee/Team Break


  • Anita Kopányi-Peuker: “Forecasting Returns instead of Prices Exacerbates Financial Bubbles” (16:00–16:25);
  • Frieder Neunhoeffer: “When Less is More: Subscription Traps and Contextdependent Preferences” (16:25–16:50);
  • Cars Hommes: “25 Years of CeNDEF” (16:50–17:15).


  • Canal cruise (from the Nijlpaardenbrug, Amsterdam)

Friday 20 October

(De Burcht, Henri Polaklaan 9, Amsterdam)


  • Doyne Farmer: “Complexity Economics: Where is it Now and Where is it Going?” (9:00-9:50);
  • Quinten Meertens: “Continuous Sweep: An Improved, Binary Quantifier” (9:50-10:15);
  • Ilija Zovko: “Realtime Market Impact Detection” (10:15-10:40).


  • Coffee/Tea Break


  • Herbert Dawid: “Deep Q-learning of Wage Offers on Online Labor Platforms: The Effect of Algorithm Design” (11:10-12:00);
  • Roald Ramer: “Three Notorious Games of Truth-Finding: Prisoner’s Dilemma, Susanna and the Elders, Judgment of Solomon” (12:00-12:25);
  • Mikhail Anufriev: “(Re-) Inventing the Traffic Light: Designing Recommendation Devices for Play of Strategic Games”   (12:25-12:50).


  • Lunch


  • Yang Zhang: “Understanding Pandemic-era Inflation Dynamics with a Behavioral Agent-based Model” (13:50-14:40);
  • Daria Minina: “The Effect of Macro and Micro Shocks on Firms’ Pricesetting: Expectations Channel” (14:40-15:05);
  • Domenico Massaro: “The Impact of Growth on the Transmission of Patience” (15:05-15:30).


  • Coffe/Tea Break


  • Te Bao: “Least Squares Learning? Evidence from the Laboratory” (16:00-16:25);
  • Joep Lustenhouwer: “Cognitive Noise and the Processing of Information” (16:25-16:50);
  • Rosemarie Nagel: The Keynesian Beauty Contest across the Fields (16:50-17:40).


  • Workshop Dinner (Oranjerie, Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam)