CeNDEF consists of a group of senior researchers, post-doctoral research fellows and PhD students from various fields, including economic theory, finance, mathematics, physics, statistics, econometrics and psychology. Our main field of research is nonlinear complex systems in economics and finance in a general sense, emphasising behavioral macroeconomics and behavioral finance models. Research themes include behavioral macroeconomics, evolutionary finance, endogenous fluctuations, heterogeneous interacting agents, bounded rationality, expectation formation and learning, evolutionary dynamics, complex nonlinear systems and agent-based modelling.
The CeNDEF research programme is a mixture of theoretical, empirical as well as experimental work using a balanced mixture of analytical and computational tools. CeNDEF work emphasises bounded rationality models, where agents search for simple "rules of thumb" that perform reasonably well. Special attention is given to the role of market psychology in financial markets. Laboratory experiments are carried out in the CREED experimental laboratory. A recent research focus is on policy analysis based on behavioral macroeconomic-financial models with heterogeneous agents. CeNDEF also contributes to ASE's Equilibrium, Expectations and Dynamics research programme.
Find out more about CeNDEF's current activities on its News and Events pages.