Goeree, J.K.,Hommes, C.H.,
Heterogeneous Beliefs and the Non-linear Coweb Model
CeNDEF Working paper 98-04 University of Amsterdam
Droste, E.,Tuinstra, J.,
Evolutionary selection of behavioral rules in a Cournot model: a local
bifurcation analysis
CeNDEF Working paper 98-03 University of Amsterdam
Hommes, C.H.,Sonnemans, J.,Velden, H. van de,
Expectations Formation in a Coweb Economy: some one persons
CeNDEF Working paper 98-02 University of Amsterdam
Brock, W.A.,Hommes, C.H.,
Rational Animal Spirits
CeNDEF Working paper 98-01 University of Amsterdam